Available jobs
We are looking for:
- We currently have no vacancies
Invited applications:
Please send an application to job@hh-group.dk
If you want to become part of our team and apply for a job at one of Hedeby Hotel Group's hotels, you must be aware with your application that you consent to the following:
All applications will be processed and stored in accordance with good data processing practice and in confidence. Applications will be processed by an HR employee, management or by the head of the department to which the application is addressed. The application will be kept for as long as is necessary to decide on a possible recruitment process, after which it will be deleted.
Applications must not contain personally sensitive information in the form of sexuality, trade union affiliation, race, religion, philosophical beliefs or political beliefs.
Inquiries regarding personal information can be directed to Hanne Sørensen at hanne@hh-group.dk